Thursday, January 19

1.3.5 Describe the synthesis of a triglyceride by the formation of ester bonds during condensation reactions between glycerol and three fatty acids and recognise differences between saturated and unsaturated lipids.

Triglycerides are lipid molecules made from three fatty acids and one glycerol molecule joined in an esterification reaction via an ester bond formed between the carboxyl group (COOH) of a fatty acid and a hydroxyl group (OH) of a glycerol.

saturated lipids don’t have a double bond; they have strong intermolecular bonds; solids at room temperature; straight chain molecules.
monounsaturated lipids have one double bond; their intermolecular bonds are weaker because of their kinked shape; liquid at room temperature; molecule with one kink in chain.

polyunsaturated have more than one double bond (oils); intermolecular bonds are weaker because of their kinked shape;  liquid at room temperature, molecule with x kinks in chains (x= no. of double bonds).

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