medication: benefit |risk
antihypertensive, diuretics: increase the volume of urine; lowers blood volume and pressure|dizziness, nausea, muscle cramps.
antihypertensive, beta blocker: block the response of the heart to hormones and make contractions less frequent and less powerful | possible link with diabetes.
antihypertensive, ACE inhibitors: block the production of angiotensin (ACE means angiotensin converting enzyme) which normally causes arterial constriction and a rise in blood pressure | cough, dizziness, heart arrhythmia, impaired kidney function.
statins: lower cholesterol level in the blood by blocking the liver enzyme that makes cholesterol | muscle aches, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, (rarely) inflammation reaction, liver failure, people stop trying to eat healthily.
anticoagulants, e.g/ warfarin: reduce the risk of clot formation | risk of uncontrolled bleeding; dosage control is essential.
platelets inhibitory drugs, e.g. aspirin, clopidogrel: make platelets less sticky | aspirin irritates the stomach lining and can cause serious stomach bleeding, using clopidogrel with aspirin make the risk greater, excessive bleeding, nausea.
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